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naturopathic medicine

is a distinct approach to medical care that emphasizes the inherent ability of the body to heal itself, given the right environment. Using gentle, safe, and effective therapies, naturopathic doctors address the whole person rather than just the presenting symptoms to restore health and help prevent disease.


Naturopathic doctors have extensive training in functional medicine, nutritional science, botanical medicine, pharmaceuticals, and the potential for interactions between all forms of medical conditions and therapies. Consulting with a naturopathic doctor ensures you are safely using the natural medicine that's right for you - saving you time, money and the risk of dangerous interactions. 

"safe, effective, sustainable

 health care ...

 let's achieve your  goals together"

- Dr. Sarah

how are naturopathic doctors trained and regulated?


Naturopathic doctors have a minimum of 7 years of post-secondary education in biomedical science and are required to complete rigorous examinations to become registered practitioners. They receive over 4,000 hours of classroom training in addition to 1,200 hours of clinical experience seeing patients from all walks of life and at all stages of health. As with all registered professions, they are required to complete continuing education credits and receive ongoing performance assessments to ensure the highest standard of care.


Naturopathic doctors have been regulated in the province of Ontario since 1925 and are currently regulated under the Registered Health Practitioners Act alongside medical doctors, nurses and other health professionals. As primary care practitioners, they are trained to gather information via detailed history taking, physical assessment and laboratory evaluation in order to diagnose and treat a wide variety of acute and chronic health concerns. 

therapeutic treatments available:
  • nutritional analysis 

  • therapeutic supplementation

  • injection therapy (vitamin B12, vitamin D) 

  • lifestyle counselling

  • botanical medicine

    • tinctures & teas

    • asian herbal medicine

  • bio-identical hormone therapy (estrogen, progesterone, thyroid)


  • acupuncture

  • electrostimulation (microcurrent/TENS)

  • cupping therapy

is naturopathic medicine right for me?


If you’re reading this, chances are you have already made an effort to live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle by tweaking your diet and making time for self care. Perhaps you regularly visit a health food store and feel overwhelmed by the options out there, or have purchased supplements after reading an article online, only to have them sit unused in your cupboard.


Naturopathic doctors take the guesswork out of making positive changes for yourself and your family. We take the time to stay up to date with research to ensure that the changes you make to your lifestyle are safe, effective, and meaningful. If you are considering making the first step towards living a healthier life, or are seeking guidance along a path you started walking long ago, naturopathic doctors have the skills and training to help you get there.

Still have questions?

​© 2025 Dr. Sarah Grammaticos, ND. 

Information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice or replace that of your healthcare provider.

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